I used to always say I don't remember much of my childhood, as I continue doing more healing and retrieving more and more information from my past, I understand that I had not forgotten my childhood I had buried it because of the pain my younger years would bring me.  My Childhood was a blur but the memories I do have are not very pleasant and I realized that it was a protective mechanism to save my heart and my sanity. I was molested by people in my family, it continued through out the beginning of my early childhood. I would later find out that my prolonged silence affected many more in my family. “I always remember thinking why me?” Not knowing that there were many lives changed just like mine. Breaking the silence took a very long time, it is why now I speak my mind, heart and my truth. And why I speak for the voiceless. Having the guts to tell my mother what had happened was a train wreck on its own.  Knowing the pain she would endure and how she would blame herself, and the heartache this would cause even if it was so long ago. That’s the thing about wounds, TIME does not heal them, only HEALING HEALS. All that I experienced in my childhood affected my teenage years and adulthood, with my relationships, trust issues and disconnections on so many levels. I also had a terrible experience with Death. My grandfather who raised me as a father died and I wanted to die with him. Right after his passing I witnessed the lifeless body of a little boy who drowned in my home. The images would haunt my dreams and the images and sounds of his whipping mother would continue till my adult life. Soon after the boys passing I witnessed two brothers fighting and one of them stabbed one to death, I saw him bleeding out on the ground. Death was not explained to me, I was terrified of death, as a 5 yr Old how could I understand all that I had seen? It would take decades for me to make peace with DEATH and heal the way I felt about death. I now talk and teach children healthy ways to see death. Those are some of the most impactful deep wounds from my early childhood, That I can share without writing a book right now. :)

My Beginnings

Where my journey as a healer began, happened at the age of 5. One day my grandmother was limping, hardly able to walk. I began rubbing her leg. The next day she was walking perfectly fine, but now I was limping. My mother, unaware of what had happened, took me to the “Curandera” (medicine woman). She had told her about me limping and that I had not fallen or been hit by anyone. My grandmother began to cry saying “it was me”! She shared with the "curandera" and my mom what had happened. The curandera took my hands, looked into my hands, looked into my eyes and smiled. She told my mom, your daughter is a born healer but she is far too young to be touching people, so she must develop her healing abilities and skills. As I got older I took every chance I had to rub people's aching backs always trying to relieve their pains. I bought an anatomy book at a yard sale and began to learn about the human body, as everything about the human body fascinates me. At the age of 17 I bought my first massage table with the donations my family gave me from rubbing their backs. I went on doing this until it was time to go to massage school. I learned the technicalities and the important book stuff that all massage therapists learn. Over time, my massage intuition grew stronger and stronger… I noticed that my hands would have a mind of their own. I could read a body so effortlessly because my hands knew exactly where to go. After many years of massaging I had a Reiki session that would change me forever.  I remember saying "what is this?" and "I need to learn it". I became level 1 attuned soon after. Everything came so fast and furious. And not the fun fast. I was seeing, hearing and experiencing so much. After 3-4 calls to my teacher she said "it is as if you have been a reiki master for 7 yrs or more and you just got started"! I was “fortunate” enough to start practicing Reiki right away with my massage clients who were willing to experience it.  Later on I would find out the importance of waiting for the right time of doing things. I received my Reike level 2 attunement and was able to do distant sessions… coming in handy later on in covid times As time went by I continued doing what I loved, helping others became my most happy passion. I continued putting others before myself, massaging and doing energy work. In 2018  I was in a major car accident, and was forced to dive deep into my own healing. I stopped massaging, and my energetic abilities became somewhat silent. I later would find out that my hands are very connected to my heart. Doctors wanted to do shoulder surgery, I thought my days of massaging were over!  My back fusion from 2016 was aggravated and the pain was constant, not to mention that after feeling amazing from losing 75 lbs and my health was at its best.  Now my fibromyalgia was back with a vengeance. I was on a fibro-flare for more than 2yrs. I had no idea that that was even a thing.  My good health had been robbed.  I was in such a bad place that I stopped driving for a bit. I was so afraid.  I developed light and hearing sensitivity, and the pain took my body hostage. 

My central nervous system was also on its last straw, it was all caused by trauma. I was diagnosed with PTSD with a slew of ailments piled up on top of that. From vertigo, rapid eye movement, head bobbing and constant shaking any time someone would raise their voice or if I saw bright lights or rapid light movement.  I was diagnosed with migraines and they were at times very debilitating.  I was referred to a migraine specialist who helped me tremendously and introduced me to mindfulness and the benefits of meditation. Meditation also helped me with my diagnosed ADD and I was able to focus much easier.  While this was all happening I started remembering a car accident that I was in at the age of 9.  It was almost as if my body and mind were going through the trauma of that accident and the recent accident all at the same time.  I met a wonderful soul who would forever change my life.  She did some powerful sessions on me where I began to heal on a deeper level. Old memories started arising, and I began to dissect so much of my past and began releasing the pain. It took alot of massages, physical therapy, chiropractic visits , and lot's of therapy. Slowly I continued healing and finding strength to reclaim my health. With the love of my family and support of my friends I slowly began to find my way back to me. I released the fear of failure and was given more time to keep my stress level in check. I was able to pass my massage licensing test in the new state I was in and begin massaging again. Now I was ready to continue to work on others!  With everything that I had gone through, I felt confident to be able to walk people through their healing.  Inspired by the healing that I went through I placed a program 360 into effect and it has now been 4 yrs since. I have developed 2 programs after that for specific needs and healing. All the programs have changed my work in such a powerful way and it brings me so much joy to see the transformation in people. So in the beginning of 2022 I received my level 3 Master/Teacher attunement. And also received my Light language attunement, and that changed the way I perceived and facilitate sound. I started diving into sound healing, even though music and I go way back, I used to sing since I was little and performed and sang Infront of audience in my teenage years. I love helping others reap the power of Sound. Providing Sound meditations and sound healings has been so rewarding.

I am ready to launch my next Sound healing modality and program Where I will be scanning your voice to see what notes you are missing, I look forward to this amazing sound journey.

I recently been trained in Akashic Records and can't wait to move forward providing sessions with this profound work.  What makes me a healer is that I have healed my own wounds and can assist others to do the same. I feel now that I have all the tools necessary. I love my work and I am passionate about my purpose in life.  I am the lantern until you are able to find your own light.

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